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Sociologists have called the most favorite holidays of Ukrainians

Социологи назвали самые любимые праздники украинцевThe most popular official holidays for Ukrainians are Easter, Christmas and New year.

The most popular official holidays among Ukrainians was Easter – 80%, Christmas 80%, 76%, international women’s day – 49%, the Day of Victory – 37%, Trinity – 29% and the independence Day of Ukraine – 17%.

This is stated in the conducted by the Kiev international Institute of sociology poll about the attitude of Ukrainians to the state holidays, the results of which are posted on the website of the Institute.

The study showed that in General, Ukrainians treat the holidays with love and respect, only 2% of respondents do not belong to any official holidays as important or favorite. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

According to the survey, the least popular holidays of the Ukrainians – the Day of defender of Ukraine (10%), international workers ‘ Day (7%) and Constitution Day (5%).

At the same time, according to the results, compared with the year 2016 the number of those who believe the favorite holiday of the Trinity (from 34% to 29%) and Independence Day (from 20% to 17%). However, the increased number of those who believe beloved international women’s day (from 37% to 49%) and international workers ‘ Day (from 7% to 12%).

In addition, it is noted that women more than men, respect for religious holidays and international women’s day. So, Christmas love and respect 82% of women and 77% men, international women’s day – 57% of women and 39% men, Easter – 82% of women and 77% men, the Trinity – 33% of women and 23% men.

At the same time, men more than women respect and love in the New year (78% of men compared to 74% of women), Independence Day (20% vs 15%) and the Day of defender of Ukraine (15% vs. 6%).

Religious holidays are most popular among people with primary education, the New year is more popular among people with higher education, and international women’s day is the most popular among people with higher education, the least among men with primary education.

Victory day more like a few people with full secondary education, and Independence Day the most popular among people with higher education, the least among people with complete secondary education. The day of defender of Ukraine’s most popular among people with higher education, the least among men with primary education.

Regional distribution the largest number of those who considers important religious festivals are concentrated in the Western region, the lowest – in the East. International women’s day least popular among residents of the Western region (33%), most in the southern region (69%). In the Central and East 47% and 48%, respectively.

Victory day is the most respected and loved in the southern and Eastern regions (53% and 51%, respectively), the least – in the West (11%); in the Central region respect him 40% of the respondents.

”Day of independence of Ukraine the most respected in the Western region (32%), the least – in the Eastern region (2%). In the Central region said 17% of respondents in the South 10%. Constitution day respect from 8% to 2% from West to East. The day of defender of Ukraine in the Eastern region respect only 1%, in other regions – 10%-13%,” – said in the study.

It was also determined that religious holidays are nearly the same love and respect people of all age groups. Trinity a few other more respected people of retirement age (33%), and the New year is more popular in the categories 18-39 years (81%).

At the same time, international women’s day is most popular among young people aged 18-39 years (53%), Victory Day most people respect the retirement age of 60-70 years or more (48%); Independence Day most respected youth representatives (21%), least of all people of retirement age (14%), and the Constitution Day more respects young people (8%).

As noted in the comment of the General Director of KIIS Vladimir Paniotto, a new holiday with a new date – the Day of defender of Ukraine – of course not yet popular, although the credibility of the army for the last three years has increased. “She now trusts 53% of the population, and by this indicator it ranks third after the Church and volunteers,” said Paniotto.

On International women’s day, Paniotto said that he loves half of the population, so ”we would not advise politicians and the government to lower the status of this holiday, because they will reduce and so the low level of credibility”.

*** Kyiv international Institute of sociology with 10 to 19 February conducted its own survey of public opinion in 110 settlements in all regions of Ukraine except the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, on stochastic selection, representative of the population of Ukraine aged 18 years. The method of interview interrogated 2040 respondents. The survey in the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts was conducted only controlled by Ukrainian authorities territories. In this survey the sample was distributed only in the controlled part of Donbass in the same proportion, which, according to the CEC, made up of the voters of Donbass in the last parliamentary elections (October 2014).Go to the Main page

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