Funny jokes will keep you amused.
If the category of people who do not lose their presence of mind and confidence in the future, no matter what.
Optimists not only find an outlet in the most complex and seemingly unsolvable situations, but also ready to lend a shoulder to those who are here to help at least a kind word.
And it will agree, is also important.
— Suppose that you have 10 apples and someone asked you 2. How much do you have left?
— Still 10.
Well… let’s Say someone has robbed you of 2 Apple power. How much do you have left?
— 10 apples and one corpse. And will continue to ask stupid questions — there will be two!
The conversation of the teacher with parents:
— Your kids like flowers in the spring…
— Oh, thank you!
— Bloom, you bastards!
— Honey, you got me on 8 March gift?
— Of course, dear.
— Will I like him?
If you don’t like it, give it to me, I’m on this spinning had long dreamed of.
The husband returns home in the morning wildly in a drunken state. Wife meets him at the threshold and says:
— And how you can do my face to look?!
— Everything can be used…
The drunk turns to the policeman:
— Tell me, how do I get to the station?
He says:
— Go right.
Drunk with bitterness says:
Right? So don’t walk me!
— How to make any dish with vegetables is much tastier?
— Just add the meat.
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