Since the birth of the youngest daughter Agatha singer Danko (real name — Alexander Fadeyev) and his civil wife Natalia fighting for her health — the girl was born with a diagnosis of multicasts of the brain and cerebral palsy. According to doctors, a little Agatha will never be able to talk, walk, feed themselves and even recognize loved ones. However, the parents of the baby do not lose hope, and treatment is already yielding first results: Agatha learned to eat from a bottle, keep your head and laugh. For the baby it is a great achievement.
In his Instagram singer often talks about the health and success of Agatha. Alexander recently shared with fans a touching video in which the girl together with his teacher plays the xylophone.
Fans together with Alexander was glad for the baby, which, apparently, is music therapy: “Good what. Good luck and good health to you”, “agate, good for you!!!”, “I’m so happy for Agatio, she will succeed. Such a good girl, we love you”, “How do you want to kids were healthy. It breaks my heart. Gold get well Iacocca subjected to movement” (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.).
Care of Alexander and Natalia about his sick daughter has become an example for many parents who find themselves in a similar situation. The couple claim to believe in the best and not to give up.
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