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Shocking tragedy in Kiev: there are new details

Шокирующая трагедия в Киеве: появились новые подробностиJournalists have spoken to relatives and neighbors townswoman, committed suicide.

At the weekend the country was shocked by the news about how 31-year-old from Kiev Love Prasol was thrown from the window of the seventh floor of a young son, two cats and ran after them. The woman died on the spot, the child later in intensive care. One cat survived and is recovering.

Journalists were poisoned at the scene to find the relatives and neighbors and still understand the motivation for such a horrible act of a young woman.

High-rise building located on the street Sribnokilskaya 12 (Darnitskiy district of Kiev) now is known throughout the County. Local children are quick to point out entrance and the place where the tragedy occurred and disclose details of “how in the Parking lot in the middle of the yard fell in turn two bodies and two cats.” - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

In the entrance of a quiet, well maintained, clean, the Concierge on the ground there. This allows you to easily climb inside the house. Climb to the 7th floor where the apartment of the deceased. The call no one opens the door. Call in the next. Opens, a young girl of 25 in home clothes. Name Is Anna. She is surprised by the visit of the journalists, but talkative. The girl shares the details of what happened.

A wonderful family was. Calm, composed, very difficult to imagine that there have happened. Worked from morning till night. Anna was the assistant judges. The child in kindergarten. They never had any problems, I was even surprised, – tells to the correspondent “” to Anna. – We have a wall in common. So we heard almost everything that was happening in their bedroom.

According to Anna, no fights, no quarrels she and her husband never heard.

– He never cried. He was generally quiet. Sometimes Pornichet a bit and calm down. Can’t believe what happened. They’re our guests called on Friday, just the day before that happened. But we could not. Who knew then what was going to happen. You may to the 6th floor to go down. There lives a guy who called the police as soon as they fell. I think he will tell you more.

Descending to the floor below, calling up to the apartment, which I pointed out. The stairwell comes out of the young athletic guy. He talks about family. He is not surprised. Apparently, this is not the first conversation on the subject in recent days.

– The family they were great, quiet. No quarrels, no noise. I in the morning her on the stairs saw when went to work. Hello. Everything is always easy. – the guy speaking slowly and confidently. We woke up Saturday morning with my wife, she’s pregnant, light sleeper. I heard screams from above. This Luba screamed. Not to the child. She was in hysterics. I thought at first that she was on the phone with someone, but most of all – herself. I don’t know what’s gotten into her. I am a wife from the window were taken. And then there is Bach, the cats flew. I immediately realized that things are bad and called the police. And here is the baby and she flew. The police came, the ambulance, the floors were running, doors were broken”.

Other details there. Neighbors have also reported the address of the residence of the deceased and we’re going to get answers to questions, which are also unavailable. Here, in one of the prefabricated houses Holosiivskyi district, at the place of residence of the deceased woman, living with her grandparents. The door of the elderly I do not open, reluctant to communicate, but manage to throw a couple of sentences that the deceased was far from them, called rare, great-grandson was brought in and actually talked occasionally.

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