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Several ways to find an alternative job during the crisis

Those who wish to increase their income in these difficult times could use an extra thought. But the main thing in almost any case is the active position. No work will come to you home itself. Every time you have to get up off of your couch and try, try, try. If you be in search of perseverance, sooner or later (probably sooner) the money will not be slow in coming. And while you ponder where to start — we will list some business ideaswhich who knows will be the fact that you have been looking for.

Learning a foreign language

Not so long ago appeared in the press a list of professions that should disappear with crusts of diplomas over the next 25 years. These include, for example, a translator from a foreign language. If you are now 25 years old, you should know that the diploma of a teacher of the English language may be not very suitable for your grandchildren. Those who have yet to graduate this year or next, and may even be in 5-10 years, do not worry. All automatics as translated five years ago, so still and takes that from her translations I want to lie on the floor, sobbing with laughter. Art translation no Google Translate will not handle it for at least another 25 years.

Cleaning of apartments

This kind of earnings well suited for girls of any age. It does not need any special education, and to wash the floors and wipe the dust, we hope mom taught you back in nine years. Otherwise manage to build on the basis of cleaning services the whole business. After all, people eat garbage and always, regardless of economic conditions, country of residence and other attendant circumstances. Well if you have a car, as orders for cleaning can come from different parts of the city. Of course collect recommendations from happy customers, so you will be trusted more. In this case it all depends on your strength. If physical training at altitude, you can do two or three a day. And even if you subtract the cost of detergents and petrol — money still not bad.

The layout and design

People with weak health to scrub floors and pan window will likely not do. Then might come the sense of beauty. If any you have, please, video tutorial photoshop and web design. The number of Internet users is growing, the market is far from saturation. And while you are watching another series, absorbing the cherry in the chocolate and getting fat, someone in one night will make your landing page, which will get a hundred bucks. Larger projects are paid for, of course, absolutely other money. In this work, the nice thing is that you depend entirely on yourself.

If you still chose the path layout, design and services on the Internet, you are not a programmer and not ready to write the “engine” of the website from scratch, then sooner or later the question arises of the selection of ready-made content management system. We recommend you look at the Wix designer who is able to cover all the needs in the field of layout and design. Use it to make a landing page, home page, photo or video gallery, online store, Yes anything is possible, quickly and easily. When working with Wix the main thing is to choose the right template, and everything else will take care of the engine.

No, of course, thoughts of the client , the designer for Wix can not read. That is why your services as intermediary between the customer site and the Wix designer will be paid according to the volume and the better, the more the result will appeal to the customer. The approach to template selection. In this case it is important not to save. Although the Wix in the basic version and free to use the “free cheese” is only when it is truly justified. For commercial projects, as a rule, free opportunities Wix is not enough. For example, in the basic version of Wix you cannot attach your domain.

Especially wonderful that all the templates Wix — free for them, your customers will not have to pay. The developers have provided options as on the modern HTML5 and has outlived its Flash technology. The latter is not preferably used in view of the fact that Adobe Flash has no future and will soon go into oblivion. Also no need to think that the template at Wix is something absolutely immutable, monolithic and complete. The user can change the color palette, fonts, background. All the functionality of the site control panel is implemented in the visual editor using drag-and-drop, greatly facilitating the usability of the designer.

Wix is interesting and multifaceted. To describe all its features would require more than one article. It is important to remember that only by mastering its functionality every web master and web designer will be able to fulfill almost any order for a happy customer and a good financial benefit of the contractor.

Husband for an hour

With the emergence of Internet, life has become better, life has become merrier. And let comrade. Stalin had in mind something quite different, but the words of a dictator is relevant to this day. People with “Golden” hands was always appreciated. Only if the earlier field to apply their skills were limited to the village entrance, or at least their own apartment, but now, thanks to the expanded breadth and depth communication, for the craftsmen of the obstacles no more. Spread ads everywhere where possible, and if you’re really handy, a lot of customers will not, especially among single ladies.


Another Bulgakov rightly observed that to receive money can always be obstacles. The heirs of the States, our next Council will not be actual, these people, typically, without we know what to do with the parents ‘ bounty. But those who suddenly acquired a large sum of money (an inheritance, a big win in a casino, the lottery, etc.), should seriously consider. People do not know how to manage money. Often, these pseudo-rich people you buy the car, give expensive gifts, go on a journey, drowning in this luxury. And on their return they were again waiting for the scrambled eggs on vegetable oil, pasta, and covered knee-deep utility bills, apartment.

Think about the future, and that he won the millions will take care of you are much more likely than fake friends who are with you for as long as you have money. Spend time studying various investment proposals and schemes. Choose a company with a long history, good reputation and positive investment dynamics, do not get involved in risky adventures. If you are promised an income of 20-25% per annum, you should know that this is more than great numbers if they promise 50% a month, this is an obvious Scam. Always expect the least and then the future will be in your hands.

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