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Home / INCREDIBLE / Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the “patterns” on Mars

Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the “patterns” on Mars

Ученые разгадали загадку таинственных "узоров" на МарсеExperts believe that the arcuate tracks on the red planet similar to earth was formed.

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) has discovered on Mars the plot, which in the past was periodically flooded with water.

The discovery was made while studying the images from orbit. On the territory of the ancient valley have been found the soil, which is similar to the structure of the surface of the earth the Namib desert.

On our planet, some areas of the desert are periodically covered with a characteristic “patterns” that occur between the migrating sand dunes after the flooding. The same arc-shaped structure visible on the images from the red planet. On Earth, dunes disappear under water, where changes in groundwater levels and in zones bordering lakes and rivers. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

“These periodic floods to leave characteristic traces on the surface, says the study’s lead author, Mary Burke. Imagine our excitement when we found the same traces when studying images of Mars. They indicate that water on the surface of the red planet was present in the not so distant past”.

Scientists believe that the arcuate tracks on Mars were formed similarly to the earth. After the floods, the dunes have been cemented due to the contained salts. When they resumed migration, the hardened areas remained in place, forming the characteristic “patterns”.

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