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Home / INCREDIBLE / Scientists have unraveled the cause of mass suicides of dolphins

Scientists have unraveled the cause of mass suicides of dolphins

Ученые разгадали причину массовых самоубийств дельфиновMass suicide of dolphins occur due to storms on the Sun.

Hundreds of whales and dolphins could jump ashore from solar storms, said NASA astrophysicist from Anti Pulkkinen.

About it reports a press-service NASA.

Mass suicide of marine mammals may be associated with the fact that for navigation they use a magnetic field, that is, they can influence magnetic anomalies. Previously, the main factor considered signals are sonar, knocking cetaceans of the way, but still the bulk of cases this version is not explained. As a possible cause was considered and the gravitational influence of the moon.

As the researchers suggest, the main reason for mass suicides of cetaceans – changes in the Earth’s magnetic field during solar storms. These changes are so strong that it is able to disable electric devices, radio system and GPS navigation. Now NASA begins research to find out, do solar storms can affect the behavior of animals.

How do you think Pulkinnen and his colleagues obtained data may be useful to predict future acts of mass suicide of marine mammals.

“It would calculate the next ejection ashore and prepare for them to react immediately and save as many animals as possible,” – said the representative of the International Fund for animal welfare Katie Moore.

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