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Scientists have made a shocking statement about spiders

Ученые сделали шокирующее заявление о паукахScientists shocked theory, how many spiders can eat all the people on the planet.

European scientists Martin Nyffeler and Klaus Birkhoffer could count how many spiders can destroy humanity.

Thus, according to estimates of biologists, spiders can eat all the people on the planet in just one year.

According to their theory, mass production, which absorbs the world population of spiders in a year varies from 400 to 800 million tons. At the same time, total biomass of seven billion people on the planet amounts to 357 million tonnes. Thus, spiders could eat in a year all of humanity and still remain hungry, according to the article, published in the journal Science of Nature.

His assessment of researchers is based on such indicators as the number of spiders per square meter in different areas of Land suitable for their residence, as well as the average amount of food consumed arthropods of different sizes.

For example, the world average per square meter accounted for 131 spider, statistics scientists.

Despite the fact that most of the spiders eats insects, it is known that larger species can consume food lizards, birds and even small mammals, like The Washington Post.

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