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Scientists have made a loud statement on “second Earth”

Ученые сделали громкое заявление о «второй Земле»“Twin Earth” was not suitable for life.

Scientists from NASA have found that planets orbiting red dwarf stars, like our Sun, and are in the habitable zone do not have water and oxygen. This suggests that the exoplanet Proxima b, better known as “twin Earth” uninhabitable.

Have exoplanets that are at a sufficient distance from the parent star, the atmosphere is “blown” by the high-energy radiation therefore they are not liquid water. To a greater extent of a celestial body are deprived of oxygen, which eliminates the presence of liquid water on their surface.

Scientists have calculated that the nearest exoplanet to earth — Proxima b — has a similar effect every two hours. This means that she will completely lose oxygen for 10 million years.

The study reduces the chances of detection of habitable planets, since the lot closest to the Solar system of stars are red dwarfs.

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