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Home / INCREDIBLE / Scientists have found anomalies in the behavior of black holes

Scientists have found anomalies in the behavior of black holes

Ученые нашли аномалии в поведении черных дырAstrophysicists are unable to explain the unexpected phenomenon.

Black holes in nearby galaxies too small to absorb the number of stars, which contradicts the mechanism of interaction of these objects. Assumes that there is an unexplored mechanism of deterrence “appetites” of black holes.

Astrophysicists are unable to explain the unexpected phenomenon. Given the new data, we have to rewrite the laws of stellar dynamics. Assumes that there is an unexplored mechanism of deterrence “appetites” of black holes. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

It is believed that at the heart of most large galaxies, there is at least one supermassive black hole. The reasons for the formation of these objects is still not clear. Some of these black holes is visible almost always. In other galaxies, they erupt only sporadically. In recent years, as they say scientists, astronomers began to notice such outbreaks in significantly less than predicted by theoretical calculations.

Serious discrepancies between practice and theory made researchers to look for explanations for why, in reality, black holes not as “hungry” as in the virtual Universe.

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