Despite the fact that family life Scarlett Johansson did not work the second time, actress — perfect mom. Recently, the star took a walk with her daughter rose Dorothy through the streets of Los Angeles for the first time after the announcement of the divorce with the baby’s father, Romain Doriana.
Legion Media
Photographers managed to capture a mother and daughter on a walk. Scarlett chose the casual style, torn blue jeans, sneakers and a striped shirt. The daughter of the actress dressed up in a dress and cardigan.
Legion Media
Recall that the divorce of Scarlett Johansson and her husband became known in January of this year. As it turned out, the couple broke up in the summer, but to publish this fact ex-couple were in no hurry.
Fotodom / Rex Features
The public doubted the breakup of the star couple, but a recent interview Scarlett Johansson on eonline.com clarify the situation. Scarlett confirmed the break and said that is not ready for monogamy, “Actually, I find the very idea of marriage is very romantic. But the trouble is that I don’t feel inclined to monogamy. Moreover, I do not think that only one partner is natural for a human. To maintain this status you need a lot of hard work on yourself!”
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