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Scandal in the river: drunk patrol threatened with a weapon soldiers of the national guard

Скандал в Днепре: пьяный патрульный угрожал оружием бойцам Нацгвардии Acting patrol officer was threatening with the traumatic gun, which he did not have permission.

In the patrol police of the Dnieper, there was another scandal. In one of night clubs of the city patrol officer had an argument with the visitors and began to threaten them with weapons.

As reported by the head of Department of patrol police of the Dnieper Vladimir Bagonis, the incident occurred around midnight in the night from Saturday to Sunday.

“Information was received that in one of night clubs threatened with a gun. Our patrols went, and was detained a young man, as later proved, the current patrol officer with traumatic weapons, which he did not have permission. If he has all the permission to the traumatic weapon, now finds out the investigative Directorate of the National police” – says Vladimir Bagonis.

It is noted that the patrol was delayed. He seized the gun, in addition, on the ground law enforcement officials also found unused ammunition.

According to information of the “Informant”, the incident occurred in night club “Sphere”. In comments to the edition, the head of the patrol police of the Dnieper Vladimir Bogoni added that the officer was drunk, and conflict arose between the patrol and the staff of the National guard.

“Employee of the patrol police, your day rested in the club, I had a conflict with the citizens in the club, according to preliminary information, the fighters of the National guard. He took a traumatic gun and was threatening its use. Patrol arrived, arrested him and called the investigative team”, – said the chief of patrol of the Dnieper.

Now concerning the detainee the law enforcers conducted an internal investigation. Police emphasize that the investigation of the patrol fired.

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