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Scandal in Odessa: migrants spend the winter in an abandoned orphanage

Скандал в Одессе: переселенцы зимуют в заброшенном интернате In the Odessa region – 42 000 internally displaced persons, among them mothers with children, who sit without money.

Displaced persons this year, it will be easier to obtain social benefits. Odessa officials insist that due to the new resolution of the Cabinet of internally displaced persons has simplified the procedure of obtaining the provisions of pensions and benefits, as well as the actual place of residence. For this purpose, according to the powers that be, it is enough to address in regional management of social protection. Journalists have found out, how Affairs with payments to displaced persons and the conditions in which people now live, who lost his home.

In an abandoned boarding school in the village Fontanka near Odessa, where Oct live about 40 persons, including people with disabilities, saying that mothers with children do not receive the payment. According to Mary samosvat that came from Gorlovka and now lives in the boarding school, the system of obtaining material assistance only becomes more complicated. “Constantly looking for some new information and documents. And district to ride two buses — 20 hryvnia to one side. It is expensive. I in January have received nothing, and the neighbor, the mother of a disabled child, since December payment delay” — told us Maria.

By the way, Maria and her neighbors have to save electricity, because the light has to pay according to the tariffs applicable to legal entities. Bask settlers with the low-power solid-fuel boiler to be on duty around the clock. And he appeared thanks to the volunteers and Fontanki villagers.

But the refuge Marina Dobrovolskaya, which from a boarding school in Fontane moved to an apartment in the housing estate Kotovsky, notes change payments for the better. “I have your payment transferred from the Fontanka. Very happy with the management of Kominternovo, all done quickly and smoothly. There was one delay when the question arose of the proper paperwork, but then I still paid in full”, — assured us the girl.

That all registered IDPs receive required payments, and to assure the Department of health and social welfare of the Odessa regional state administration. “If a person needs to retire, then he comes and registers. Unregistered citizens who need social benefits and not formalized, we have,” — said “Today” head of the Department Tatiana Curve. According to her, the region has registered 42 000 persons. But more than 30 000 of them, according to estimates by the city’s Department of labour and social policy, cost accounting in Odessa.

And here in the village Borscht Podolsk district have agreed to live only 11 people, although it is ready to accept more people from health centers. However, immigrants are in no hurry to move inland, fearing to go without needed medical care.


In the Odessa regional state administration assure more willing to accept immigrants, which can place in the village of Borsch, but wanting yet. Not refused previously announced ideas to take children out of the Town and in the city Council. However, local officials say the response from colleagues in Donetsk city and has not received, and today the kids are there plans to sit behind desks.

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