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“Russian” the scandal of Monetica: new details

"Российский" скандал вокруг Монатика: новые подробностиRussian media say that the SBU does not issue Montica from Ukraine.

Ukrainian singer Dmitry Montik had to cancel their performances in Russia, as he was unable to leave Ukraine, according to the Russian newspaper “”.

The musician allegedly failed to leave the territory of Ukraine because of the ban of the authorities, with the result that he has had to cancel several planned concerts, and other performances were in jeopardy.

The press service of the musician refused to comment on the situation.

Note that a Ukrainian citizen may be temporarily prohibited from leaving the country if against him criminal case, he is a debtor of alimony, loans, etc., in the absence of documents about the delay with duties for military military service; if a citizen has information that is a state secret, and in some other cases.

In the SBU denied information about the ban singer Monetise on leaving Ukraine.

Comments about this #Letters said the speaker of the SBU Elena Gitlyanskaya.

She said that the SBU could not prohibit the entry or exit in the country of Ukraine.

“We can’t prevent exit or entry from Ukraine for citizens of Ukraine. This can prevent the court, if the person has criminal responsibility, either under house arrest,” — said the speaker of the SBU.

Gitlyanskaya also said that she was unaware of any travel ban for singer Montica by the court. In her opinion, such information is a provocation or a fake.

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