The newspaper “Vedomosti” cites “a source close to Carmly”.
In the near future may to occur the resignation of five heads of the Russian regions.
Among likely candidates for retirement are the head of the Republic of Karelia (Alexander Khudilainen), governors in Ryazan (Oleg Kovalev), Sverdlovsk (Evgeny Kuyvashev), Novgorod (Sergei Mitin) and Ivanovo (Pavel Konkov) regions, as well as leaders of the Perm region (the Governor) and Buryatia (Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn).
According to another companion publication, the situation in these subjects of the Federation “is difficult and requires speedy decision-making”. At the same time, he noted that the change of heads of regions may not occur everywhere.
In mid-December the Fund “Petersburg policy” and holding “Minchenko consulting” have presented the rating of political survival rate of heads of Russian regions, in which analysts predicted the resignation of eight governors. The work of the head of the Perm region, the experts evaluated on a “two plus”.
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