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Home / business / Russian furniture manufacturers want to oblige developers to deliver housing with a ready furnished

Russian furniture manufacturers want to oblige developers to deliver housing with a ready furnished

Российские мебельщики хотят обязать застройщиков сдавать жилье с готовой обстановкой

Developers in Russia want to be required to pass a standard housing is not just with decoration, but also with furniture. The relevant legislative initiatives prepared by the Association of enterprises of furniture and woodworking industry (LDPR), according to “Izvestia”. According to the newspaper, the idea is ready to discuss the Ministry of construction. It will affect more than 60% of Russian buildings — so much applies to the standard class. It is estimated that in Moscow the cost of 1 square meter in such houses will increase to 15-17 thousand rubles, but the buyers of such properties can include paying for repairs and the initial situation in the mortgage loan amount.

The idea is supported by the Ministry of industry and trade indicates that new apartments with finishes and furnishings in recent years are becoming increasingly popular among buyers. The Agency believes that the initiative will provide loading of capacities of the domestic enterprises of the furniture industry and will give overall growth in the industry. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

As reminds the edition, in 2018, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed to study the question of whether to include “the presence of built-in furniture made of wood, produced on the territory of the Eurasian economic Union,” the criteria for standard housing. It is about 63% of all housing in Russia. The criteria themselves were embodied in the order of the Ministry of construction. But they relate only to the size of the dwelling and require builders to provide home utilities. The minimum area of apartments of a class “standard” (the term was replaced by another — “economy housing”) is limited to 20 square meters and a maximum of 150 square metres. Recommendations on the availability of apartments and requirements for finishing are discussed and then, but never showed up.


According to the President of LDPR Alexander Shestakov, many large developers are willing to take furnished apartments, not just responding to market demand, and “following the European and global trend.”

In particular, the law in Finland for over 40 years requires a new flat in the transmission customer has been completely ready for living from day one. It must be done not only finishing, but furnishings and appliances, including a refrigerator, stove, etc., However, experts say, the Finnish practice is unique.

Experts admit that if changes in requirements to the standard housing are adopted, they will affect the house and who will build a programme of renovation in Moscow and other regions. In addition, the apartment is finished and furnished from the developer can be popular among those who initially plans to put new housing for rent or buys a mortgage, has no additional funds to invest in repairs and the situation. It is obvious that the cost of housing will increase. Another challenge is to ensure sufficient diversity of offers from developers that the buyer could select a future situation at the stage of conclusion of the contract.

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