Thus preserved and enhanced military threat from the Russian Federation.
The Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu announced plans to place three divisions in the West and South-West of the country.
“We expect this year to finish the placement of the three divisions on the Western and South-Western border”, – said the head of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation.
According to the report, we are talking about military units in the city of Elnya (Smolensk oblast), Boguchar (Voronezh oblast) and in Novocherkassk and Kadamovsky settlement (Rostov region).
January 16-19, Ukraine jointly with Canada and Kingdom of Denmark conducted the inspection of the predetermined area on the territory of Rostov region of the Russian Federation. Then by results of check it was established that near the borders with Ukraine formed 150 motorized rifle division, which has more than 10 thousand soldiers. Her formirovanie began on 10 January 2017. However, this gain is contrary to the information that the Russian Federation itself gave States parties the official network of the OSCE in November 2016.
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