American scientists from the University of California solved the mystery of the stone idols of Easter island.
Specialists understand how ancient people moved massive stones.
Scientists have long known that the material for making idols was in the quarry, which is located 18 kilometers from the place of installation of the statues. Previously it was assumed that the stones were moved using wooden skids, and installed manually. However, archaeologists have concluded that ancient tribe that inhabited Easter island thousands of years ago, just rolled some parts of the statues. For example, “heads” and “stomachs” idols have shifted the center of gravity and rounded shape that helped ancient people move these fragments.
A global study of the mysterious stone statues on Easter island began in 2001. For many years scientists have tried to understand how a primitive tribe was able to erect such monuments. Today announced the theory of the archaeologists is not final, but it can be considered the most likely.
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