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Revealed an unexpected benefit of white iPhone to black

Раскрыто неожиданное преимущество белых iPhone перед чернымиPaint devices starts to wear off after one to two weeks after purchase.

Owners of the iPhone 7 in the housing matte black are faced with the problem of erasing ink with the surface of the device. To user complaints drew the attention of the portal 9to5mac.

The defect can occur even with careful use of a smartphone case. Judging by the posts on the support forum, the company often paint chip next to the buttons at the bottom of the case near the speaker and port for charging, and also on the back around the Apple logo. On the steel models, gold and pink flowers such problems do not arise.

One of the users contacted the company with a request to replace the device, but was refused. According to him, Apple is motivated by the fact that the case is not warranty, because “it’s cosmetic defect”.

It is noted that the paint device begins to move after one to two weeks after purchase. This may indicate manufacturing defects. Some forum members recommend the paint chipped acrylic paint.

Also a large number of complaints among the users is the iPhone 7 in the color “onyx black”, a glossy surface is very quickly covered with small scratches. A similar defect had the iPhone 5 black paint is quickly erased. To avoid chipping the paint in the future, Apple temporarily abandoned the use of black and replaced it with “space grey”.

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