Many people still believe in them.
Certainly, many would argue that they do not believe in myths and are rational people. However, people always difficult to accept new information, especially when it challenges their preconceived ideas about the world. Instead of accepting the scientific evidence that contradict their point of view, people usually start to look for facts that confirm their opinion.
1. Venous blood is bluish in color
Blood is never blue, it always has a shade of red. The only reason the blood seems more blue in the veins is that the veins generally are closer to the surface of the skin, and the only light that can penetrate the skin, it is blue. As for the arteries, they are usually not visible because they are too deep.
2. Dogs see in black and white
Actually, they see color. Just dogs can perceive fewer colors than humans.
3. Camels store water in their humps
It is a common misconception, but in fact it is not. The humps are fat.
4. Lightning does not strike twice in one place
This is nonsense, clear proof of which are the lightning rods. Yes, and it is worth remembering American Roy Sullivan, who for his life, lightning struck seven times.
5. Scientists don’t know how bees fly
In the 1930-ies, some scientists found that the study of flight with fixed wing useless in the case of insects. Although scientists eventually found out the secret of insect flight (quick flapping wings that leads to the creation of turbulence), people still think it’s a secret.
6. Bats are blind
Although these animals use echolocation, this does not mean that they can’t see. In fact, bats use both.
7. Liars tend to avoid eye contact
This is not true, in the time of lies a person can easily look in the eye. In addition, the lie detector does not always work, and often polygraphs are useless. Without training it is incredibly difficult to detect “quality” is a lie.
8. Different areas of the tongue feel different tastes
Long been considered so. Despite this, the language is actually able to perceive any taste at any part of its surface.
9. The Vikings had horned helmets
No historical evidence has not confirmed this theory. The horns on the Viking helmets came only in the XIX century due to the fact that this is what they began to represent artists.
10. Microwaves can cause cancer
They can’t do that, because they are not “ionizing”. Only high-frequency ultraviolet radiation x-rays and gamma rays have sufficient energy to release free electrons from molecules. Longer need to worry about excessive sun exposure and not about your microwave or mobile phone.
11. Napoleon was short
In fact, he was undersized, even by today’s standards. But for his time, he was tall (170 cm, whereas then the average height is 165 cm).
12. The moon landing was faked
Although disputes on this issue are still, there is some evidence that the moon landing was real. First , technologies that could allow a fake of this level, simply does not exist in the 1960-ies. And the moon was left a few mirrors to have the ability to produce laser ranging. And now, if you get a strong laser, it is possible to obtain the reflected beam from the moon.
13. Vaccines cause autism
The study that led to this belief was exposed as fraudulent a few times. Its author Andrew Wakefield was even stripped of medical license in Britain over the manipulation of evidence and violation of ethical codes. Simply put, vaccines don’t cause autism.
14. Sugar makes children hyperactive
This claim has actually been refuted. Scientists in the experiment, children were given honeyed placebo, but parents who believed that sugar had claimed that their children show increased activity.
15. Humans only use 10% of your brain
The person uses the whole brain, just not on the same time. If you use 100% of brain at the same time, this leads to apoplectic shock.
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