For cleaning vessels doctors recommend daily to eat at least a tablespoon of honey.
To support them, the experts recommend to include in the diet fish, honey, nuts, and vegetables. This was reported by doctor Victoria Savitskaya.
For vessels very useful every day to eat a handful of walnuts or pine nuts.
For cleaning vessels doctors recommend daily to eat at least a tablespoon of honey, 2-3 better (instead of sugar) beneficial to cleanse and tone blood vessels are also affected apricots, lemons, grapefruits, persimmons, garlic.
“Your diet must be fish – preferably sea or ocean, as well as seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid). Just keep in mind the fish or shellfish best boiled, steamed or baked. But fry doctors do not recommend. Not to mention dried and salted fish – it has a huge amount of salt, which retains fluid than can provoke vasospasm. The amount of salt in the diet generally requires a very precise control, avoiding “overdose”. Also, avoid spicy and smoked products, sausage, balyk, sausage, cold smoked fish, etc,” advises the doctor.
Raw vegetables and fruits is a must in the daily menu. They contain a lot of useful minerals, vitamins and fiber, thanks to which our body synthesizes fibrous fibers, which strengthen the vascular wall.
Include in the diet plenty of foods rich in vitamin E – peas, lentils, green onion, liver, olive oil – they give the vessels elasticity. Required and vitamin C (sauerkraut, citrus fruits, kiwi, celery, onion, parsley, rose hips, sweet red pepper – it gives the strength of the veins and helps the blood vessels to self-clean.
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