The President believes that the court will make a decision on the part of the Crimea.
President Petro Poroshenko expects that the international court of justice United Nations in the Hague, which began to consider the claim of Ukraine against Russia would take “very quick” decision if not on all counts, at least in part annexed Crimea.
This was reported on the President’s page in Facebook.
“We expect solutions that will stop the supply of arms to the occupied territory and will be able to bring order to the uncontrolled part of the Russian-Ukrainian border, and will also help to lift the ban on the functioning of the Mejlis in ARC, will allow to stop the harassment of ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars”, – said the President.
We will remind, on January 16 Ukraine is suing Russia in the international court of justice in the Hague. Ukraine asks to recognize that the Russian Federation violated obligations under the Convention on financing of terrorism, providing assistance to illegal armed groups involved in terrorist acts in Ukraine. In particular we are talking about “DNR”, “LNR” and the group “Kharkov guerrillas”.
Ukraine wants to ban Russian officials to Fund terrorism and to bring those involved to justice. In particular we are talking about the Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the Deputy of the state Duma Sergei Mironov and Gennady Zyuganov.
Also, the Ukrainian side demands compensation to all who suffered from the actions of Pro-Russian terrorist groups. We are talking about civilians Volnovakha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, and Odessa. Also, Russia should pay compensation to the families of the victims of the crash Malaysian “Boeing 777” shot down over the Donbas.
Mineralni Court of justice in GaAs rozpocza lohanna for pozovem Ukraine against Russia schodo finansowania terorizmu I schodo discriminat ukraïntsiv Krimsky Tatars in Krim.
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Posted by Petro Poroshenko 6 March 2017 R.
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