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Poroshenko listed the conditions for lifting of the blockade of Donbass

Порошенко перечислил условия для отмены блокады ДонбассаOverlapping of transportation routes in the direction ORDO does not concern humanitarian goods.

The Ukrainian side is ready to lift the ban on the movement of goods across the line of demarcation in the East of the country, if the enterprise in the occupied territories of Donbass will be returned to the Ukrainian owners and earn the cease-fire.

This was announced by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, answering a question of journalists of national TV channels. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

“We say: bring back enterprise Ukrainian owners, regardless of whether the state is a form of ownership or not. Because state ownership captured. Provide first and second paragraph of the Minsk agreement – a ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy equipment and artillery, and we remove the restrictive measures on the movement of goods across the line of contact, ” he said.

As you know, on Wednesday morning, the President Petro Poroshenko, opening the meeting of the Council, proposed to make a decision about a complete halt of transportdokumente with the occupied territories.

The Council has adopted a decision to stop the movement of goods across the line of contact.

Overlapping of transportation routes in the direction ORDO not for humanitarian goods, as well as civilian vehicles.

The Plenipotentiary of Russia in the contact group on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov has said that the decision to cease connections with ORDO contrary to the Minsk agreements.

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