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Pilates – ally good shape

Пилатес - союзник хорошей фигурыPilates stunningly effective for the figure.

Exercises Pilates is popular around the world.

The secret of its popularity is quite simple – you get a great result at minimal cost. In addition, you can engage not only in the gym but at home. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

When practicing Pilates is a small risk of injury, so it doesn’t matter how old you are and how prepared you are, Pilates exercises for beginners is for you.

These exercises will help to make the posture beautiful, to pump up muscles, lose weight, remove belly, improve coordination and increase flexibility, to make the joints more flexible. Pilates is useful to dilute some more active exercises. For example, it can be Pilates twice a week and cardio once a week.

It is advisable to start with simple exercises. Many systems are divided according to the level of training involved. Exercises should be performed slowly and smoothly, concentrating on inner feelings. The abdominal muscles must be constantly in good shape and toned.

No less important is the breathing, which should be smooth and should the rhythm be the same exercises. If you do everything right, you can achieve not only improvement in the shape, but also improve overall blood circulation.

You should breathe so that the lower part of the lungs was filled with air. How would you breathe through the back, while not extending the upper part of the chest and not inflating the stomach. You need to learn to focus on the muscles work, and when relaxing try also to imagine how the muscles relax.

Remember that your every move should gradually turn in the following. You can do a warm-up between some of the exercises: to stand in the pose of the cat, table, etc. Pilates Exercises are often recommended by physicians as a rehabilitation complex in the puerperium, after injuries of the spine, to exercise the muscles of the pelvic floor.

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