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Home / Medicine / Pediatricians are reminded of the basic rules of hardening children

Pediatricians are reminded of the basic rules of hardening children

Педиатры напомнили основные правила закаливания детейHardening of the child helps to make the baby’s body more resistant to colds.

In the first three years of life the child the formation of all its functions in the body. That is why some people claim that the early hardening of the child helps in the future to quickly raise the immunity and make the baby’s body more resistant to various colds and seasonal diseases.

Today, there are a very large number of ways of hardening the child, before this major step, you need to choose the method that is right for your child.

The wrong method may not only not work, and even counterproductive, because the immature organism child is very much exposed to the external environment. Thus, improper tempering can lead to hypothermia, which in turn will entail chronic respiratory diseases.

In order to choose the best way, you need to see a doctor, he can advise you the method that will suit your child and will not harm him.

Some of the most common zakalivanii at this age are methods of making hygienic bath and quenched by pouring feet.

Hardening by dousing the feet should not be repeated more often than twice a day, and the duration of this procedure should not exceed 30 seconds. In order to do this procedure, it is necessary to take water temperature 34-36 degrees and slowly pour on your feet, then be sure to carefully dry your feet with a warm towel and from top to wear warm socks! This method is repeated for one month, and then need to rest the body.

Hardening by means of hygienic baths is also used, quite often, it will require the same water as in the previous case, only in this version of the feet of the child down in a basin of water, and do not spray it for 30 seconds. After you pick up your feet, you need to RUB my feet and put on warm clothes. This method lasts for a period of one month.

Before proceeding you should consult with a doctor!

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