Buckwheat diet is quite stringent restrictions — a whole week should have the same product.
Nutritionist Anna Ivashkevich told, how good is the diet on buckwheat and whether it might harm your health.
For anybody not a secret that buckwheat is the healthiest grain — protein content it is the undisputed leader. And buckwheat contains iron — however, inorganic (it sucked worse than iron found in meat), magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, a set of necessary amino acids and vitamins of group B. the Fiber, which is present in the composition of buckwheat, cleanses the intestines.
The basis of the diet, of course, buckwheat — no other products not provided. And that this diet was effective, buckwheat you need to properly prepare, fill it with boiling water (proportions as for porridge), wrap the bowl with a towel and leave overnight. The resulting buckwheat is consumed during the day in small portions. It is recommended to do six meals every day, and the last schedule at least four hours before bedtime. Please note: diet for weight loss involves the use diet of salt, sugar, oil, and any spices.
Can not be limited to one week, and extend buckwheat diet on the second. In this case, it is necessary to Supplement their diet with vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, unsweetened yogurt, dried fruits or bran. To continue this diet for more than two weeks is not necessary, and between courses should be at least a month.
Those who understand that there is a one week only buckwheat, they can not, the creators of the diet offer a more gentle version, which includes other food.
Breakfast: 100 g buckwheat, a little low fat cottage cheese, a glass of 1% kefir.
Lunch: 150 g of buckwheat, 100 g of boiled beef, 100 g of vegetable salad.
Snack: an Apple or a glass of 1% kefir.
Dinner: 100 g of buckwheat, a glass of 1% kefir.
“100 grams of buckwheat contains 313 calories; 62.1 grams of carbs; 3.3 g fat; 12.6 grams of protein. It turns out, the day people will consume not more than 1 565 kcal. The weight loss process will go active especially in people with weighing more than 70 kg — the basic exchange of the person with such weight exceeds 1 700 calories a day,” says Anna Iwaszkiewicz.
Plus buckwheat diet is that of all the cereals buckwheat is rich in vegetable protein, which is good for the body. Buckwheat contains potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium to a greater or lesser degree, and minerals important for the body. Buckwheat diet, if you use it infrequently, one of the best and simple, said the nutritionist.
But please note: this mono is better to give to pregnant women, children, people with diabetes 1 and type 2, high blood pressure, those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (here it is better to diversify fish or dairy products), problems with the Central nervous system, stresses Anna Ivashkevich..
Remember: use only one product for a long time breaks the balance of the diet and can lead to unexpected health problems. So before you decide to sit on the buckwheat diet, consult a doctor.
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