Presents a short list of nominees on the main independent Russian film award “KinoNews 2017”. At the first stage in the vote was attended by users of the portal “movie news” with the rank of kinoman and above. In the main categories for the victory will fight the next Challenger.
“Best film”
1. “Doctor Strange”
2. “Rogue-one: Star wars. History”
3. “La La Land”
4. “For reasons of conscience”
5. “The arrival”
“The best Russian film”
1. “28 Panfilov”
2. “Scrapper”
3. “Paradise”
4. “The apprentice”
5. “The crew”
Best Director
1. Tim Miller, “Deadpool”
2. Damien Shazell Of “La La Land”
3. Denis Villeneuve “The Arrival”
4. Matt Ross ‘ “Captain Fantastic”
5. Mel Gibson “For reasons of conscience”
“Best Director”
1. Kim Druzhinin, Andrew Shalopa “28 Panfilov”
2. Nikolay Lebedev, “The Crew”
3. Alexey Krasovsky “Collector”
4. Kirill Serebrennikov “The Apprentice”
5. Andrei Konchalovsky “Paradise”
“The best computer character”
1. “Warcraft” (Durotan)
2. “Doctor strange” (Cloak of levitation)
3. “Game of thrones” (Dragon)
4. “The jungle book” (Baloo)
5. “The jungle book” (Bagira)
“Most anticipated project”
1. “Blade runner 2049”
2. “Star wars 8: the Last Jedi”
3. “Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Dead men tell no tales”
4. “Guardians Of The Galaxy 2”
5. “Alien: The Testament”
“The best game”
1. “Battlefield 1”
2. “Dark Souls III”
3. “Doom”
4. “Overwatch”
5. “Uncharted 4: way of the thief”
“The best series”
1. “Vikings”
2. “Game of thrones”
3. “World wild West”
4. “Young Dad”
5. “Very strange things”
“Best mini-series”
1. “11.22.63”
2. “American crime story”
3. “The night clerk”
4. “Night”
5. “Black mirror”
Full list of contenders for the award “KinoNews 2017” is available on the official website. The awardees will be determined by the film Academy of the portal “movie news”. They will be announced on 20 February 2017.
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