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News: Gore Verbinski said the reasons for closing the film adaptation of the game Bioshok

Новость: Гор Вербински уточнил причины закрытия экранизации игры Биошок

Gore Verbinski, once held the post of Director of the film adaptation of the game “Bioshok” told about the reasons for the closure of the project, answering questions from fans on the resource page of Reddit.

“Well, the short answer to this question is no, but I can tell you that it was all over in about eight weeks prior to filming. For me it was a film rated R, and I sought to preserve such marks as it met the spirit of the game, well, it was supposed to be an expensive film. We planned to show a vast world that cannot be replicated by just having the material on location. But with the “Medicine of health” is another story, it’s mostly shooting on location. With “BioShock” this approach would not have worked, because there would have had to create a whole world. So there was a whole combination of factors, chief among which were the rating and the cost of the project. Universal studios was not satisfied with neither one nor the other. Since then much has changed, and maybe we still will have a chance, but donít get me wrong, it is very difficult to re-tune when you’re interrupted in the eight weeks before filming, when you’re emotionally immersed in the filming process. It is difficult to return to this state and mood,” he commented. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Recall that Verbinski was trying to film the game since 2008, but never found support from the Studio.

Source: Reddit

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