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Nasirov was reprimanded for a trip to the inauguration of the trump

Насиров получил выговор за поездку на инаугурацию ТрампаNasirova can be fired after one warning.

The Minister of Finance of Ukraine Alexander danyluk has initiated the disciplinary responsibility of the head of the SFS of the Roman Nasirov.

He said this at a press conference.

“For the systematic violation of the orders of the Minister of Finance, and unauthorized absence from work I initiated the Nasirova attraction to a disciplinary responsibility. The second reprimand is dismissal,” – said danyluk.

Danyluk also intends to contact the National anti-corruption Bureau and National Agency for combating corruption about the visit of the head of the SFS of the Roman Nasirov in the United States to the inauguration of President Donald trump.

“Where is the head of the SFS? In America. Instead of having to implement the task he is engaged in self-promotion. He went on vacation, without having coordinated it with the Finance Minister and the Prime Minister. This is a gross violation. He went to the inauguration of the President of the United States, and it is not a cheap pleasure,” said the Finance Minister.

He believes that the anti-corruption Agency needs to verify declared cost of a ticket to the inauguration. “And if not, if it was for free, I want to ask why he was invited. The law prohibits such gifts and such services. Should I contact the NACP and the NABOO that they had reviewed the situation”, – said danyluk.

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