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NASA showed the “nest” hypergiants

В NASA показали «гнездо» гипергигантовPublished by the star cluster Westerlund 1.

NASA published the star cluster Westerlund 1, remote from the Earth at a distance 15 thousand light years. The cluster consists of hypergiants — rare in the milky Way stars enormous mass and size. The photograph was obtained using the space telescope “Hubble”.

Westerlund 1 was studied in 2002-2005. Astrophysics conducted the spectrographic and photometric observations of the clusters, which were identified by spectral type stars, measured the surface temperature and luminosity. It was discovered that it consists of a hypergiant. One of the stars — red Westerlund 1-26 is 1500 times greater than the Sun, its diameter comparable to the diameter of the orbit of Jupiter.

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In astronomical terms, the cluster is fairly young, its age is about three million years. Its constituent stars formed at approximately the same time and have the same chemical composition.

Clusters called gravitational bound group of stars that have common origin and moving in the gravitational field of the galaxy as a whole.

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