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Named the most effective folk remedy for strengthening of bones

Названо самое эффективное народное средство для укрепления костей7 reasons to drink an infusion of raisins right now!

The infusion of the raisins is good because in the process of training (and it should wash and soak) harmful substances, which can be dry grapes during storage and sale, go into the water.

If it is cooked properly, none of the useful components will not be lost.

The drink itself while cooking and the infusion becomes concentrated vitamin-mineral complex, which is also well absorbed, say nutritionists, and lead 7 arguments in favor of the raisin broth. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

1. Raisins contain a lot of potassium

This mineral is very important for the heart and cardiovascular system. The decoction of potassium from raisins is absorbed faster and can be a lifesaver in dyspnea, fatigue, caused by weakness of the heart muscle. He shows all in a period of high stress.

2. Drink from constipation

Potassium is also important for the bowel. The drink is effective for constipation and good for otpevanie during intestinal infections.

3. B vitamins for the nervous system

A decoction of raisins, and the raisins are shown and, if nervous stress, mental fatigue, insomnia and during homework in mathematics…

4. Colds and dehydration

These rich minerals and vitamins drink well immediately served with baby colds and colds with a high temperature when you need plenty of fluids and necessary to restore water-salt balance. Drink it and under any other cause of dehydration.

5. Raisin decoction from anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is also adjusted with the help of this drink. It’s not a cure, but only part of a useful diet. Pomegranate juice, apples, beef, and a drink made from raisins is a good diet for anemia.

6. From problems of bones

The high content of boron prevents the onset and progress of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, what you should take note of middle-aged and elderly.

7. Nausea

A drink made from raisins and shown toxicity, and during the sickness. To add a little lemon and then vitamin drink is suitable for many people suffering from nausea. The main thing is to drink it in small SIPS.

How to cook the broth?

Raisins do not need to boil on the fire, he loses part of useful substances. Washed and soaked the raisins should be steamed in a thermos.

Per liter of boiling water 5 tablespoons of berries. Pour the raisin water, soak it in a tightly closed thermos and all the drink is ready. Do not throw away the berries with the honey, they is a wonderful dessert.

Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, ulcer of stomach and duodenum.

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