You should be attentive to the child’s diet.
The power of a small child, especially who was not yet two years old, differs significantly from adult. Because the body of the baby is still too sensitive, so some products have a particularly damaging effect on his condition. What products do not give the baby and why.
Melon and grapes
Both of these products provoke flatulence and increase the burden on the pancreas. So after eating the baby will torture colic, belching and weakness.
All sorts of Goodies made with biscuit dough, overload the pancreas. In babies it is not yet fully formed, so it can fail. In the result, the child experiences an upset stomach, constipation, bloating, weakness and pain in the upper quadrant.
The basis of this delicacy is cocoa beans, which are a powerful allergen. In addition, cacao stimulates the nervous system and can lead to overstimulation, which could lead to sleep disturbance and irritability of the child.
Meat and fish broths
During cooking of meat or fish water is absorbed in extractive substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines of the baby. Therefore, the products meat and fish broths (soups, borscht, jelly, etc.) for children under 2 years is contraindicated. It is better to prepare the soup with vegetable broth, boiled meat or fish to give separately.
Shrimp, squid, octopus – these delicacies are loved by many children. But they all added to trudnostyami products that can disrupt the digestion of even an adult. Besides, they are able to provoke a powerful allergic reaction in a child due to the high protein content, which is a small body unable to cope.
Any caviar is a great source of protein, so for young children, as well as other seafood, it is a dangerous allergen. In addition, to prepare the calf to eat, i.e., pickling, uses a large amount of salt, which overloads the kidneys and can cause failures in their work.
The doctors do not recommend to give mushrooms to children under 7 years, and kids even more so. Besides the fact that it is difficult for the digestive system product, the mushrooms are such a sponge that absorbs and accumulates harmful substances from the environment, therefore, can cause severe poisoning or at least indigestion.
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