Doctors have identified the most dangerous food product.
A new study by scientists from the United States helped to define popular food ingredient that can affect the increased risk of suffering from a stroke or heart attack.
Conclusions clinicians based on the results of the analysis of data provided by the National center of health and nutrition.
Having studied obtained from the center of the data, the sponsors, the staff of tufts University in Massachusetts, came to the conclusion that the most harmful in its consequences for human health are ready bakery products with a high content of salt. Followed by pizzas and pies in a “dangerous” product list, compiled by doctors, followed by cheese, potato chips, popcorn, pasta and sausages. They should not be in the diet, scientists believe.
“When an unbalanced diet, with emphasis on salty fast food is a high probability of death from stroke, diabetes type II diabetes, and diseases of vessels and hearts,” warned health care providers.
The work of these experts have studied the relationship of nutrition and disease which were identified in surveys and clinical trials. Then they figured out how to correlate the data on mortality of patients registered in the National center for health statistics, with specific diseases.
Comparison of figures obtained by scientists proved that unhealthy diet is a major factor in early death. According to the researchers, approximately 45% of cases of death of patients examined by them were associated with impaired nutrition.
The scientists also found that in most cases, for this reason, often dead men.
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