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Named the best combinations of products for a slim figure

Названы лучшие сочетания продуктов для стройной фигурыNutritionists told than to have Breakfast for a flat stomach.

In order to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight does not have to sit on diets all my life.

Enough to eat and choose only healthy foods.

American scientists have conducted research about nutrition thin people and found out what healthy Breakfast helps them stay slim and eat fewer calories throughout the day.

Here are the most frequent combinations of food that we eat for Breakfast skinny people every morning.

1. Scrambled eggs and avocado
This delicious and healthy Breakfast rich in proteins and fats of vegetable origin that have a beneficial effect on the heart and the bloodstream. Omega-3 fatty acids help to normalize cholesterol, and fiber allows you to keep the feeling of satiety for a longer period. Best baked eggs in avocado halves in the oven: so you will not need to use additional oil.

2. Grapefruit and croissant/ whole wheat toast
Nutritionists recommend at first to drink the toast, and only then to the grapefruit, not to irritate the delicate walls of the stomach. This Breakfast is very filling and low calorie. And whole wheat toast and citrus fruits speed up metabolism and help to reduce the number of calories consumed per day.

3. Toast with cottage cheese and blueberries/ tomatoes
Cereal toast and cheese – a perfectly balanced Breakfast. It also has fiber, protein, and healthy fats. And fruit acids in blueberries or tomatoes pomogut cottage cheese it is better absorbed and speed up the metabolism.

4. Green smoothie
Smoothie of avocado, honey and Greek yogurt help to saturate the organism with necessary microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This cocktail will allow you to forget about the hunger.

5. Oatmeal with bananas
Oatmeal with water, honey or maple syrup itself is useful. But by adding half a banana, you make it a real vitamin cocktail. Useful elements of oatmeal will allow the potassium contained in bananas, is properly absorbed.

6. Toast with salmon and salad vegetables
This Breakfast is not only nutritious, it will accelerate the metabolism and improves the condition of your skin. Omega-3 polyunsaturated acid will be completely absorbed by the body, reduce cholesterol and normalize the digestive system.

7. Pancake of buckwheat flour and maple syrup
Maple syrup is a low calorie sweetener that enhances immunity. And pancakes of buckwheat flour saturate the body for a long time and helps remove all the harmful substances from the body. A Breakfast perfect for children: tasty and healthy!

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