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Named important reason not to skip Breakfast

Названа важная причина не пропускать завтракScientists suggest to refuse the Breakfast.

They believe that those people who prefer to skip it, increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

A proper Breakfast — the food itself and its consumption can help prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. The scientists also found that a balanced meal in the morning improves human performance by 30%. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Morning meal helps the human body to fill a quarter of the daily requirement of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. “In the morning the most intense is “sticking” of blood platelets that can lead to the formation of blood clots. A full Breakfast, the person prevents the development of such a pathological process,” said scientists regarding the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Japanese experts have long explored this question. To do this, they for 15 years watching 80 thousand Japanese men and women aged 45 to 74 years who have not had heart problems. From 1995 to 2010, participants were asked about their Breakfast and were divided into different groups on the basis of power and number of breakfasts per week. During the 15-year observation period among the General mass of people there have been 3 772 stroke, including 1 051 brain hemorrhage, as well as 870 cases of coronary heart disease.

The analysis showed: those people who never ate Breakfast had a higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke, especially high risk of brain hemorrhage compared with those who ate Breakfast every day.

Researchers believe that a healthy Breakfast should consist of only useful for the organism substances. Experts do not recommend to consume in the morning foods, processed meat, fried and fatty. The body is not able in the morning to fully digest these products. This can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, unstable blood pressure and other negative factors.

The menu proper and balanced Breakfast should provide one-third of the daily allowance of protein, two-thirds of the daily requirement of carbohydrates and less than a fifth part of fats. Start Breakfast is recommended at least half an hour after full awakening. Scientists assure us that by following simple rules you can protect yourself from a threat to a long life of pathological processes.

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