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Named drinks that trigger cancer

Названы напитки, провоцирующие онкозаболеванияDoctors told why not to use excessively hot drinks.

The international Agency for research on cancer at the world health organization (who) recognized the use of excessively hot drinks (e.g. coffee and tea) are hazardous to health.

“The results indicate that the use of too hot drinks is a likely cause of cancer of the esophagus and the temperature, not the drinks appear to be responsible (for the development of cancer —approx. “Of the”),” — said the Director of the International Agency for research on cancer Director Christopher wild.

A critical mark scientists call the temperature at 65 degrees Celsius. Drinking liquids with a temperature below this mark are named safe for human, and above may be associated with risk of development of esophageal cancer. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

“Studies conducted in countries such as China, Iran and Turkey, and the countries of South America, where tea or Yerba mate is traditionally drink very hot (at a temperature of about 70 degrees Celsius) found that the risk of developing esophageal cancer increases with temperature,” notes the who.

Conclusions of scientists are based on the meta-analysis of over a thousand scientific studies on the possible carcinogenic properties of coffee and is popular in South America, mate is a tonic drink, cooking, using the leaves and shoots of the Paraguayan Holly tree. Conducted by researchers the analysis takes into account the risk factors associated with alcohol and tobacco. Coffee mate and in 1991 was classified by the who as a “probable carcinogenic to humans”. This group, according to the latest who recommendations, now referred hot beverage with a temperature above 65 degrees Celsius.

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