Cornelia Mango decided to give your mother dilara unforgettable vacation in Moscow. Star staged female tour of the capital, and before her departure was a surprise. Cornelia took her mother to the famous star makeup artist Gohar Avetisyan.
Mother Cornelia is completely changed, becoming younger by a few decades! While Mango claims that up to this point, her mother never used any cosmetics.
That’s such a gorgeous work my @goar_avetisyan mom in shock !!! Do you like it ??
“Today, mom’s got a feast! She never wore makeup! And now, when my mother was 18 with a tail Gohar made a gift to the mother. Thank you darling for being kind and talented hands! Mom loved it! All day today the mirror is spinning. Today when mom walked around the city, my mother watched so many people, even the Italian decided to meet! I think mom now just getting married after this transformation! For any mom to feel needed and desired is very important” (Spelling and punctuation authors — approx.ed.) — posted by Cornelia in Instagram.
Today when mom walked around the city, my mother watched so many people, even the Italian decided to meet !! I think my mom now just getting married after this transformation !!! for any mom to Feel needed and desired is very important .!! Let the sons and daughters make really sometimes surprises I’m sure they will live a long long of your care and love ! Leaving my mom today ! Going to miss @diliaramango
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