They are very hard to work with.
Public celebrity, as a rule, try to adhere to the positive image and create the impression of open and positive characters. In fact, sometimes this perfect picture is radically different from that which is necessary to observe colleagues stars. We remembered some of the names that come up regularly in the “black list” of the most capricious and demanding of the representatives of show business.
The organizers of Supercobra American football publicly dubbed Beyonce is the most difficult celebrity that they ever had to work. Diva has performed at halftime of the final match in 2013, and its requirements were more than strange. She wished in her dressing room was a cot made of cedar $22 000 for her daughter blue ivy, who was then one year. For husband Jay-Z she ordered cigars and alcohol at $6 000. In addition, the temperature in the room had to be kept strictly at the level of 26 ° C and water at 21 degrees — it should be served with straws made of titanium alloy for $900. All the organizers, one way or another experienced Queen Bey had to wear clothes made of 100% cotton, the toilet had to be installed a new toilet, and toilet paper to be red.
Another star, unwilling to compromise and making strange demands at work — Jennifer Lopez. When diva played in films, she prefers not to chat with anyone from the crew between takes, otherwise it loses the spirit and comes out of role. So if someone has it J. Lo any requests or concerns, they should contact her personal assistant, which is convenient for the stars time will try to pass them to her. Speaking of assistants in this office at Lopez no one works, though salary is 65 thousand dollars a year. The fact that an assistant needs to be with Jennifer, six days a week for 12 hours, and the rest of the time will certainly be in touch. While the angelic nature of the star is different, therefore a stress and a rapid response to the most unexpected requests — the main requirements for candidates.
Charming and noble on the screen after the command “Stop! Cut!” Christian bale turns into quick-tempered tyrant. In Hollywood there are few who want to be with him on a film set — this applies to actors and other participants in the process. About their fellow bale does not want to know anything and openly stated in an interview: “I don’t want to know anything about the lives of other actors and don’t want them to know something about me.” In addition, bail allows himself to argue with Directors, if it is not satisfied with something, and once he began to insult and even threaten the operator during the filming of “Terminator 4”. A few days later recording scandal hit the Internet — Christian for 4 minutes, do not hesitate in expressions, in a raised voice explains to the operator that he dared his presence to distract him from the performance of complex scenes, which, according to bale, in the highest degree unprofessional. However, the actor used in this case, a little more strident language.
Gwyneth Paltrow is known among colleagues not only overly-serious attitude to his own person, but of the strange behavior on the set. For example, during work on “Iron man” actress was required to make her schedule so that she is not crossed with Scarlett Johansson. The result is colleagues never saw. Another strange requirement of Gwyneth before she goes in the shower, the attendant should thoroughly wash it and dry to foot divas God forbid I set foot on the water, which washed someone else. In addition, in interviews, Paltrow often disparaging comments about colleagues: “When I see Actresses like Reese Witherspoon in movies the level of “walk the line”, I think: “Why she plays all these stupid romantic comedies?” But of course, she does it for money.” This statement from Gwyneth that the main life lesson she believes the ability to not care about the opinions of others, no longer seems surprising.
In the lists of actors that regularly ruin the lives and spirits of all the participants of the shooting process, is the name of Bruce Willis. “Die hard” is not only strongly emphasizes their star status, but is refusing to fulfill the terms of the contract, for example, to take part in promotional filming, photo shoots and interviews. On the scale of the problem shows that at the party to celebrate the end of filming the not-too-successful Comedy “COP out” Director Kevin Smith gave a speech that concluded with the words: “I want to thank everyone who worked on this movie… except Bruce Willis, who was a complete dick.”
To transform the lives of colleagues in hell is one of the favorite pastimes of Lindsay Lohan. The girl, more known for his outrageous antics than the film credits, acting on the set as if the whole success of the project rests on it. According to one of the assistants who worked with her during the filming of the series “anger Management” from the very first day of his stay on the court, Lohan did that disrupted and delayed our work, “She could have refused to come out of his trailer during the day, he could go from filming earlier to catch a concert of your boyfriend. She literally terrorized each one of us.”
One of the main divas of Hollywood, Sharon stone has worked hard to become who she is today. The actress is demanding of himself, but no less demanding of others. “Some people in our business for a long time and even succeeded, but they get no recognition from colleagues, and this is very important!” Recognition of colleagues Sharon definitely deserved, but a good attitude former subordinates — not hardly! The ex-assistant of the actress candidly spoke about his experience with the star: “I stayed at the position of her personal assistant a couple of months, and I’m sure she’s my most hated man on the planet! It was unbearable and constantly yelled at me. And in the moments when she didn’t yell, she humiliated me”.
The easiest way to ruin your career in Hollywood to spoil his reputation. Katherine Heigl is increasingly left with no roles and is eliminated from the project because of his bad temper. The actress did not deign to positive feedback, no film, starring — did not suit her partners, the script, in her opinion, was poorly written. In addition, Heigl punctually criticizes the work of the stylists on the set, requires special conditions and refuses to come out of his trailer if they are not enforced. However, some Directors run the risk of inviting her into his paintings, as later often regret.
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