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Marine Le Pen has made the scandalous statement

Марин Ле Пен cделала скандальное заявлениеThis time got the French Jews who, in the opinion of the candidate on a post of the President of France needs to get rid of the traditional headgear.

The leader of the French far-right marine Le Pen, the Chairman of the party “national front”, gave last Friday interview to the Second channel ITV, which claimed the Jews of France must renounce the wearing of yarmulkes in public places – in the fight against radical Islam.

According to the British newspaper The Jewish Сhronicle, Le Pen supported the ban on wearing traditional Jewish headgear, calling it part of the international effort to refrain from public display of religious symbols.

“Frankly, the situation in France has become so dangerous that few Jews have the courage today to go out in the pile. I am convinced that the fight against radical Islam must be our common struggle and we all have to sacrifice something for the sake of victory”, – leads edition of the words of the policy.

Note that the French Jews, who remember the father of marine Le Pen, continues to be considered the party “national front” anti-Semitic, although the daughter of Jean-Marie Le pen is making great efforts to improve the image.

21 Dec 2016 French newspaper Canard Enchaine reported that the front national has signed an agreement with Russia that includes the loan for financing the election campaign of the party in full – in exchange for recognition of Crimea as Russian territory in case of victory. The party’s Secretary General Nicolas Bay refutes this information, as marine Le Pen. Presidential elections in France will take place in April and may 2017.

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