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Home / fashion / Maria Pogrebnyak decided to reduce the volume of the face and to get rid of chubby cheeks

Maria Pogrebnyak decided to reduce the volume of the face and to get rid of chubby cheeks

Just recently Instagram followers Maria Pogrebnyak lamented over the fact that because of the different beauty procedures and plastic blonde has long lost its natural beauty. Many more often called a 29-year-old Maria “Malloy” rubber Zina, calling more than anything not to change.

However, the girl don’t stop. Recently, Maria turned again to the beautician to using injections to get rid of fat on your face! It seems that the blonde thinks that she has a double chin and chubby cheeks, that it does not paint.

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“Dear girls, Hello, my lovelies! Just live I told you about a wonderful procedure called “Slender face”. This procedure reduces the face amount, making it slim and sleek! The procedure helps to get rid of the effect swollen, hard, eliminates full cheeks, jowls, tightens the face and makes a very clear oval! The person loses weight and becomes slim, beautifully highlighted cheekbones, the chin becomes clear. And most importantly, the procedure eliminates lumps bisha!!! What previously could only be addressed by the surgeon, is now eliminated by the injection in just 3 treatments!” — told subscribers Pogrebnyak (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.).

Many felt the procedure was too much for Mary, because her face doesn’t look full or puffy.

Мария Погребняк внимательно следит за внешностью и не упускает возможности протестировать на себе новинки бьюти-индустрии

Поклонники считают, что в погоне за красотой и молодостью Мария утратила свою естественную красоту

Мария Погребняк

Павел и Мария Погребняк

Многодетная мама обладает роскошной фигурой

Однако многие считают девушку слишком худой

Мария Погребняк

Мария Погребняк

Мария все больше становится похожа на звезд "близнецов" - Викторию Боню, Светлану Лободу, Викторию Лопыреву и других

Мария с семьей

Мария Погребняк

Мария Погребняк Фото:

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