Egg diet is perfect for those who can’t tolerate the feeling of hunger.
Gained a couple pounds? The situation is not critical, but unpleasant enough.
Fortunately, with this Express-diet you will be able to quickly put himself in order.
Diet lasts only three days, because a large number of eggs in your menu can lead to health problems.
During weight loss you need to drink more pure water and green tea without sugar. But from alcoholic beverages, coffee and sweets are preferably completely avoided. The staple diet of hard-boiled eggs without salt.
The first day
Breakfast: one egg, a Cup of unsweetened green tea.
Lunch: one large grapefruit, a salad of fresh seasonal vegetables with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, one egg.
Dinner: one grapefruit and an egg.
Day two
Breakfast: green tea without sugar, a grapefruit, an egg.
Lunch: Cup of vegetable broth, egg, grapefruit.
Dinner: one egg and a grapefruit.
Day three
Breakfast: green tea, egg, grapefruit.
Lunch: steamed unsalted vegetables, grapefruit, egg.
Dinner: one grapefruit and one egg.
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