This decision was made by the AMC.
The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine fined teplopostochanya company “Kyivenergo” to 17,959 million UAH for abuse of monopoly position on the market of transfer (distribution) of electric energy own local electricity grid on the territory of the city of Kiev.
As reported by the press service of the AMC, the College, the Committee found that “Kyivenergo” created obstacles to access for suppliers at non-regulated tariff (PNT), in particular the companies “EK of Anal” and “carbon”, on the market for the supply of electric energy.
“Of PJSC “Kyivenergo” restricted PNT them in selecting potential consumers and deprived them of the possibility to carry out economic activities in the city of Kiev, in particular by putting forward unreasonable demands to the draft agreement for distribution of electricity”, – stated in the message.
It is a violation of “Kyivenergo” imposed a fine of 17 thousand UAH 958,9.
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