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Klyuev and Azarov admitted the error of power in 2014

Клюев и Азаров признали ошибки власти в 2014 годуEx-officials said that the environment of Yanukovych in 2014 was a mistake.

The former head of Yanukovych’s administration Andriy Klyuyev and former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov spoke on Russian TV, claiming his responsibility for the events in Ukraine in 2014. Such recognition they did in the broadcast transmission “Right to know” on the Russian TV channel TVC.

Klyuyev, for a review of one of the journalists that the representatives of the former authorities bear great responsibility for the events of 2014 year, which led policies of the then officials, said: “All we who were close with Viktor Yanukovych, to a certain extent to blame.”

“All are guilty, including me … somewhere, something may not be done talking, or silent, may have something incorrectly advised … Every one of us who was in power responsible for what has happened in 2014. I admit it,” – said Klyuyev.

In turn, Azarov said that “if someone from this easier, I can accept any mistakes” and added that “in Ukraine was only one of the puppeteers, who prepared “the coup” in Ukraine, the USA, the rest is all nonsense”.

Azarov added that he was “the only serious mistake that failed hard for Yanukovich to put the question on the dispersal of the gangs, who organized a “coup”.

To the question, what means the ex-officials living in Russia, Klyuyev said that is “a wealthy man, even before he came to power, was engaged in business came from business.”

“I have a certain part of the business is left that works, and I have the opportunity to support myself and my family,” – said Klyuyev.

Azarov also ignored the question about their income and receive Ukrainian pensions and said that over the last three years “no Ukrainian law enforcement Agency has not made him any charges.”

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