Fans supported the singer.
Known for its unconventional taste in clothing Keti Topuria indulged fans in Instagram new pictures. The singer has made his choice for the new season in favor of transparent fabrics. To dress in sheer dresses in the new season trendsetters are not recommended, calling it a “closed page”. However, to replace the old guipure dresses came a new trend – a completely transparent skirt.
Member of the group “A-Studio” has experienced a trend of fashion, having donned a new skirt to the floor. The singer said that it intends to appear on the scene “in all its glory” during his speech in the Kremlin. Katie still only chooses the stage images, preparing for a concert and indulge their fans in the social network of the first images from the fitting. A bold move in choosing the “Kremlin” of the outfit, the singer made under the strict guidance of her favorite designer is Alexander Artyunov. Of course, the girl added in a way a bit of the classic style, wearing a skirt and bright bodysuit with the words “Eternity”, “Love”, “Tenderness”. Great attention to the singer, as always, paid hair. The stylist had created on my head now work with a beam separated by two long braids.
Users “Instagram” is not indifferent to the new image of the beloved singer.
“Pretty. Super hairstyle and color of clothing. Suits you very much!” – appreciated the fans the choice of the singer, calling her “the most stylish in show business”. One user even compared the Topuria in a new role with a well-known Russian audience the character of Mila Jovovich in the film “the Fifth element”.
By the way, Keti Topuria is not the first time indulges the audience with their revealing outfits. A couple of months ago, while relaxing on the foreign resort she posted in the social network pictures in a totally transparent swimwear. Chip beach trend was that transparent skin flesh-colored swimsuit became virtually invisible. And in December last year to exit the track during the Russian national award Katie also dressed in a transparent outfit – red cardigan-mesh. And again too ostrovenko the dress the singer wore in combination with the classic black body. However, when the fans did not appreciate her extravagant style. In commentry to the photo in social networks fans called cardigan “terrible dress worse which is hard to come up with.” But Keti Topuria proved once again that calm the criticism and intends to continue to safely experience the fashion trends.
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