50-year-old Ivan Okhlobystin — the father of six children. Recently, the Instagram famous actor showed a photo of his eldest son Basil, and shared good news. Okhlobystin commented: “My boy of 16 years!”
Fans rushed to congratulate the birthday and asked if Basil chose the father’s way: “In this photo, similar to you, although black as a mother… Interesting, to be sacristan is his own choice, or your “power” hair?” “Good children the right parents!”, “Happy birthday son! Birthday — fun!”, “A worthy son of your father!”, “How time flies!” (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.) Okhlobystin, who is usually willing to answer questions in Instagram, nothing is commented.
Ivan recently posted a family picture from his cell father John krestiankin. In the comments to it, the actor really has intrigued fans. The question “How many children do you have?” he intriguingly answered: “Until six.”
Recall that the actor and former priest children brings up in severity. The actor said that his four daughters would go to the altar of the innocent. “Married, they must leave the virgins, of course. They know it. After all, what is a wedding? You’re essentially sacrificing himself to another person. You realize that you gave and that he gave you. And from this purity there mutual respect,” he told the newspaper “Antenna”.
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