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It became clear when Ukraine will have a land market

Выяснилось, когда в Украине заработает рынок землиThe introduction of the land market turnover will occur in two stages.

The market turnover of agricultural lands through the purchase and sale can be initiated after the adoption of several laws and the introduction of effective regulatory mechanisms that can be made in the course of this year.

The moratorium on turnover of agricultural land for many years, “perpetuates” the existing situation, the Director of the National scientific center “Institute of agrarian Economics”, academician of NAAS lupenko.

“Land designed as a private, but use the benefits of this status to the owner may not. Note, however, that in the case of unmanaged introduction of the sale and purchase of agricultural land in circulation and will be not less than 105 billion – 37% of cash in circulation. This can lead to devaluation of money, inflation process, the exclusion of the real sector of the economy significant funds, which will turn into investment is not the domestic economy and the economies of other countries”, — said Yuri Lupenko.

He notes that the introduction of market circulation of land should provide for the development of rural areas. And its main strategic objectives should be the introduction of a mortgage of land with the aim of obtaining long-term loans secured by land plots and rights to them, and increasing capitalization of companies, liquidity of lands and rural employment; sustainable use of land and the development of salasanasi enterprises.

According to scientists of the Institute of agrarian economy, taking into account these factors, the introduction of market circulation of land must occur in two stages.

The first stage – introduction of sale of land with an area of 100-200 hectares per person exclusively for individuals living in rural areas and with appropriate education or experience in agriculture. An integral part of this stage should be to ensure access of customers to Finance – concessional loans for purchase of land, installment payment, etc This will give the opportunity to form a competitive private farms and family farms. It is anticipated that the first phase will last 5-10 years.

In the second phase it is proposed to introduce the sale of agricultural land with area up to 500 hectares for farmers, legal entities and agricultural enterprises. According to experts, this will facilitate the formation of competitive agricultural companies.

According to the report, for the completion of land reform also needs to develop and adopt a number of normative-legal acts. Among them, in particular the laws on turnover of agricultural land, on state land inventory, land consolidation, on mortgage of land, pledge of lease rights of the land, the zoning of the land and the economic stimulation of rational use of agricultural land.

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