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In Zurich built apartment “house of the future”

В Цюрихе построен многоквартирный "Дом будущего"Apartments in self-contained house rented out, already have the first customer reviews.

Apartment, nine families, “house of the future” Haus der Zukunft 1000 m2 built in the suburbs of Zurich to the village of Brütten.

Because energy efficiency is the first and integral step on the path to energy independence, the building, of course, built according to the Minergie standard (Swiss standard for energy-efficient buildings, conceptually and from the point of view of the parameters close to the standard of a Passive house — Passivhaus). It is clear that here is a powerfully insulated exterior walls (thermal conductivity U = 0,11 W/m2K), roof (U = 0.15 W/m2K) used a very warm window (U = 0.6/m2K), etc.

To electric networks house is not connected, as well as to external sources of heat. Everything is made on site.

Energy production is solar power plant with a capacity of 126.5 kW, and this solar power plant occupies the entire facade and the entire roof of the building. On the facade there is a thin-film photovoltaic modules. They have a moderate efficiency, but don’t blink, come in different colors, that is perfect as facade materials. On the roof of the house is a standalone high-performance monocrystalline modules.

Produced electricity covers all the needs of the “house of the future”. Excess electricity is directed to short term storage in lithium-ion (lithium iron phosphate) batteries with a capacity of 192 kW*h. “Maximum excess” of electricity generated in summer is for long-term storage. For this purpose, the electrolysis produces hydrogen which is stored in special tanks with a total volume of 120 m3 at pressures up to 30 ATM.

Heat produced by using geothermal heat pump with a capacity of 28 kW (two probe 338 m deep each). In the basement a giant storage tanks for heat (2 x 125 m3) isolated XPS thickness of 200 mm. Hot water for household use is the cleanest way flow, with modules of fresh water.

Of course, a mandatory element is energy efficient house ventilation with heat recovery. In this case, there is a Central ventilation system with efficiency of 83%. For freeze protection is used the heat input from the room in which you installed the battery.

In the house it is impossible to fold (open) the window, putting them in the airing mode, you can only access completely. This is done in order to minimize energy losses to the residents not left accidentally in winter open Windows.

When the current of energy that is produced by the solar PV power plant issued by the storage batteries and heat are not enough to ensure life, comes the hydrogen. Using a fuel cell produces electricity and heat. According to the calculations, the need for use of hydrogen under these parameters independently at home and configuration of engineering systems may occur only during the 20-30 days per year, mainly in January.

Residents do not pay for light and heat, if you stay within your budget, which averages around 2200 kWh per year. In each apartment there is a monitor showing how much energy is consumed. The first experience of the residents shows that while they fit in this “social norm”.

How much is this miracle? 5.3 million Swiss francs – the standard price for the similar area of the building in Switzerland (recall that the premises fully equipped) + 0.8 million – additional costs for “special” engineering systems. Additional costs according to the calculations amortiziruemoe at the expense of increased rent (but since residents do not pay “a communal flat” the total amount of their rental payments is on the middle level). These figures do not include the “h-part” of the cell, capacity for hydrogen and fuel cells.

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