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In Ukraine may change the classification of hotels

В Украине могут изменить классификацию отелейFor all time of existence of the procedures for obligatory categorization in Ukraine passed it and have valid evidence, only 243 (10%).

On the website of the Ministry tabled the draft resolution on the order of categorization of objects of tourist infrastructure.

As explained by the Director of the Department of tourism and resorts of Ukraine Ivan Liptuga, its aim is to simplify the life of the owners of the hotels, to create the preconditions for legalization of hospitality and improve the quality of hotel service and infrastructure.

According to the Law “On tourism” and the current current Order, star categorization of hotels and other facilities designed to provide services for temporary accommodation (accommodation) is required.

Thus, voluntary certification of services on temporary accommodation for the safety of life and health of people, protection of their property and environmental protection, is a prerequisite for obtaining the star, which automatically makes the voluntary procedure mandatory.

According to the State statistics service at the end of 2015 in Ukraine operated 4341 collective means of accommodation of which 2478 hotels. At the same time for all time of existence of procedures for obligatory categorization in Ukraine passed it and have valid evidence, only 243 (10%) who have received the certificate on establishment of category 5★ – 32; 4★ – 64; 3★ – 91; 2★ – 30; 1★ – 29.

Assessment accommodation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 4269: 2003 “travel Services. Classification of hotels”. Assessment of compliance standard and voluntary certification shall be carried out by bodies of certification or accredited private centres. This procedure takes quite a long time and is not cheap. After collecting all the certificates and the assessment authorities shall forward all the documents in the Ministry to the Commission free of charge every two weeks considering the package of the submitted documents, and then issues a certificate on assignment of categories of a particular hotel.

Not to mention the fact that this standard is outdated normative document, which have not allows qualitative assessment of conformity of objects of tourist infrastructure taking into account modern trends of development of hotel business. Due to the complex procedures, the vast majority of hotels (90%) are operating without the necessary evidence to establish categories than violate the requirements of current legislation.

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