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In the US, trying to figure out who listens to the White house

В США пытаются выяснить, кто прослушивает Белый домDetails of telephone conversations of President of the United States are fast becoming the leaks.

The white house is investigating the leak of information about telephone negotiations of the President of the United States Donald trump with foreign leaders.

“We are studying the situation, and it worries us. Some of them are made in such a way that it clearly violates many regulations and laws”, — said the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer, adding that trump is concerned that the details of his negotiations with foreign colleagues became public.

“Of course it bothers him. The fact that you can’t negotiate without leaks, causes fears, — quotes the Spicer The Hill. We are trying to conduct serious business on behalf of the country.”

As an example, the publication cited the information about trump’s conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 9 Feb 2017, Reuters reported that during this conversation, the head of the White house has criticized the Agreement on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (start-3), calling it a bad deal for the United States.

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