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Home / Incident / In the Kiev metro cops “tied” the thief-recidivist

In the Kiev metro cops “tied” the thief-recidivist

В киевском метро копы "повязали" вора-рецидивистаAt the metro station “Lybidskaya” man snatched from the hands of the victim mobile phone.

The attacker saw the woman who came into the car, holding a mobile phone. Using the fact that the passenger was holding a heavy bag, he grabbed the phone and jumped out of the car, – informs the press-service of the Channel.

However far he has failed. The police who were on the platform, arrested the man and invited the police. At this time approached and the victim, which pointed to the offender.

During personal inspection of the malefactor withdrew the stolen gadget. The woman confirmed that the phone really belongs to her.

The identity of the robber had established, they found 52-the summer inhabitant of Kiev region who was earlier repeatedly brought to trial for Commission of similar crimes. The man explained that he wanted to sell the phone, and the money to spend on their needs.

Investigation division of the police Department in the subway of the Main Department of the National police in the city of Kiev opened criminal proceedings under part 1 of article 186 (robbery) of the Criminal code of Ukraine. The attacker was detained in order St. 208 Criminal procedure code of Ukraine. To the man threatens till four years of imprisonment.

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